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Back to the Barbers works on thinning and receding
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Where Scalp Conditions Are Met & Maintained.

Back to the Barber combines readily available natural ingredients (natty) with simple tools in a regimen that over time reverses the state of the "Alpha" scalp (DHT-dominated, balding, tight, & contaminated) to an "Omega" scalp (Estrogen-balanced, sanitized, supple, circulating, growth-oriented) which is it's natural state. By meeting scalp conditions, you will naturally begin the hair regrowth process.

AQBS -  Creator & First Client


Maybe your hair line is decent and you don't feel like you need help per se. I would think twice about that. Here's why. Once you find that your hair line is moving backwards, and or your crown is thinning, then there is only a matter of time before the rest of the hair will follow.


There is so much mis-information and myths regarding male pattern balding or hair loss it is very hard to navigate decently enough to stop hair loss at all. About a year into actively reversing my severe Norwood 7+, I realized that even those names or descriptions were not really accurate. I begin referring to the phenomenon as "Male Acute Follicle Stress" syndrome or MAFS for short.


There are several inconsistencies such as hair doesn't even grow in the manner advertised. The fact is, hair moves in lock-step and as a group. It grows in spurts. When one area suffers hair loss, then the entire scalp has probably been compromised. What this means is, if you are balding at the temples, those same conditions will move to other areas of the scalp. The best scenario is to never allow balding to fester. The second best scenario is to halt it wherever it is right now. You can do it and I can help.

This entire site and brand was built for men from all walks of life with ANY hair loss. It's not stated enough, but you have a very different problem than a person who simply wants longer or thicker hair. Your first priority is to get to the root of the problem and its not even in your scalp. It's more than likely the immune system but I digress.

There is a lot to it but simply put - I used myself as a guinea pig in order to find out the truth as far as reversing hair loss. I reversed engineer what supposedly works. And I dedicated years to research hundreds of herbs, botanicals, and spices to give myself the best chance of reversing my issue. I did just that. Back to the Barber bottles all of that knowledge, simplifies it, and hands it to you for your benefit.

All men. All ages can use back to the barber
Hair Serum + Exercises


To share a simple system with a great product that helps men to either keep their hair, reverse any receding, or simply start over and get their hair back. 

AQBS androgenetic alopecia
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